WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace

WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace

vlatest by WINwatchface

Only for Wear OS devices

Name WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace
Preis 0.99
Android-Version 9
Herausgeber WINwatchface
Größe N/A
Version latest
Zuletzt aktualisiert am 2023-09-13
Downloads 10,000+
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Download WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace


About WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace

Only for Wear OS devices

Detail WIN Classic Army MOD WatchFace

Classic multifunctional and practical watchface with many settings Analog watch face

Video instructions for setting up the watch:

Hello friends!

A practical economical watchface with a lot of useful information.

- Number of steps taken

- Pulse

- Distance traveled in KM or Miles - depends on the region

- Weather is customizable through custom complications

- Digital time in 12 or 24 hour format

- Date

- Number of the current week of the year

- Number of the current day of the year

- Battery charge

And much more.

There is a minimum economy mode for both the main screen and for the AOD mode it is turned on in the settings

Four customizable user zones

two complications and two zones for app icons

What's New Version N/A

Wear OS only- new colors added