Credit Card Terminal

Credit Card Terminal

v2.4.0 by POS Brokers

Use your phone and merchant account to accept your customer's credit cards. No more bad checks, enter info and get paid. Works anywhere with network connection.

اسم Credit Card Terminal
نسخة أندرويد 4.4
الناشر POS Brokers
مقاس N/A
إصدار 2.4.0
آخر تحديث بتاريخ 2023-09-28
التحميلات 10.000+
احصل عليه Google Play

Download Credit Card Terminal


About Credit Card Terminal

Use your phone and merchant account to accept your customer's credit cards. No more bad checks, enter info and get paid. Works anywhere with network connection.

Detail Credit Card Terminal

Requires merchant account. Supports:, Quantum, Merchant Plus, NMI and PayPal.

What's New Version 2.4.0

Minor Fixes.