LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

v6.26.3 by LinkedIn

Stay up to date with your accounts and leads with LinkedIn Sales Navigator on your Android device, wherever you are.

Nama LinkedIn Sales Navigator
Versi Android 8.0
Penerbit LinkedIn
Saiz 12.9 MB
Versi 6.26.3
Kemas kini terakhir pada 2023-10-09
Muat turun 1,000,000+
Dapatkannya Google Play

Download LinkedIn Sales Navigator


About LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Stay up to date with your accounts and leads with LinkedIn Sales Navigator on your Android device, wherever you are.

Detail LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator helps you target the right buyers and companies, understand what buyers value, and engage buyers with personalized outreach.

Whether you are waiting for a meeting, traveling between clients’ offices, or just in line for a coffee, Sales Navigator Mobile gives you access to Sales Navigator’s key sales features where you need them most: everywhere.

- Get real-time sales updates on your accounts and leads

- Discover new accounts and leads with daily recommendations, wherever you are

- Prep for sales meetings by reviewing prospect profiles and account pages

- Save new leads after meetings to start getting sales updates

- Send timely InMail, messages, and connection requests

The Sales Navigator mobile app requires a Sales Navigator account, which is a paid LinkedIn subscription for sales professionals. The app is currently only available in English.

What's New Version 6.26.3

Bug fixes